Jenny's journey as an artist was ignited by her mesmerizing encounters with Utah’s captivating landscapes. In her artistic vision, she perceives each landscape as a living entity with it's own soulful melody. Her artistic endeavor revolves around capturing these intricate rhythms and harmonious notes, translating them onto her copper canvases with an intimate connection.

Enthralled by the timeless allure of classic paintings adorning copper canvases, Jenny found herself irresistibly drawn to their innate luminance. This affinity led her to embrace copper as her preferred painting surface, a choice that has become synonymous with her artistic identity. Through the harmonious interplay of vivid pigments and the radiant qualities of copper, Jenny’s artworks resonate with a distinct symphony, a melodic resonance that truly flourishes when experienced first hand.

Venture along uncharted paths, and you'll discover Jenny navigating remote roads, immersing herself in the barren beauty of the desert, or perched upon lofty mountain summits. Here, she becomes an ardent observer of the ever-shifting dance of light, absorbing every nuance and capturing nature's harmonic pulse.